
Mindful Mondays


Monday, May 1, 2017




April 2017 “Mindful Mondays” sessions (III) Scripture Based Hope and Healing when distorted thinking patterns rob us of life’s joys. “Mindful Mondays” could be offered one more time before summer! The goal of “Mindful Mondays” sessions is to identify negative thought patterns resulting in anxiety, depression, and a oss of hope and joy. These patterns include ‘black and white thinking’, ‘filtering’, ‘mind reading’, and ‘emotional reasoning’, to name a few. The good news: is that we can train ourselves to think God’s thoughts after him (Ps.139), to be transformed by the renewal of our minds! (Rom. 12:1-2). Identifying and replacing negative automatic thoughts with balanced, Bible-based thoughts, result in any or all of the following: 1) A transformed way of thinking, 2) Improved relationships with God, self, and others, 3) Restored joy, 4) Re-formed lives and 5) Peace of mind. Dates and times for Mindful Mondays (III) are planned for April 10,17, 24 and May 1st , 7:30 – 9:00 pm Location: Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church (Catechism Room). Cost: $20.- per person, per evening. Prayerfully consider whether you, a brother, sister, neighbor, friend, seeker or skeptic will benefit from the discipline of ‘taking thoughts captive. If so, you are cordially encouraged to mark these dates on your calendar and reserve your spot for any or all of these “Mindful Mondays”. Please send a reservation e-mail to before March 15, or call Anchor Counselling: 778.680.4977. Mindful Monday sessions will have a maximum of 20 participants, to allow for a safe, confidential environment and adequate opportunities for full participation for all. Please note that individuals who had their names placed on a waiting list last January have already filled several spots. Thank you! Heres & Frieda Snijder

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