
Reformation Day Rally 2018


Wednesday, October 31, 2018




This year we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Great Synod of Dort, convened
primarily to deal questions concerning the implications of Belgic Confession article
16. Generally speaking there were two views, today known as Arminianism and
Calvinism. The Arminian view was expressed in the Five Remonstrant Articles.
The Synod of Dort responded by outlining the so-called Five Points of Calvinism in
the Canons of Dort. Besides debating the Scriptural character of confessed
documents, the two camps also debated the propriety of being bound to
confessional statements. During the debate between Remonstrants and
Contra-Remonstrants, many ecclesiastical regions in The Netherlands adopted the
practice of confessional subscription by having ministers sign a form. Such a form
for subscription is still commonly used by churches practising Dort polity.
Canadian Reformed members can find the text of the forms in use in their churches
in the Book of Praise, p. 661.
This Reformation Day Rev. Dr. Karlo Janssen will speak on various aspects
relating to the practice of confessional subscription, especially in the Dort tradition.
Matters to be considered include the Biblical background to confessional
subscription, the relationship between the ordination vow and the form for
subscription, some historical did-you-know matters (like some delegates to the
Synod of Dort being reprimanded for confessionalism), a consideration of what the
quia-quatenus debate that played a role in the Secession of 1834 was all about, and
some reflections on the process of enforcing confessional subscription. He is well
positioned to speak on this, having researched the history of confessional
subscription in the Dutch Reformed tradition for his masters degree and his
doctorate, between 1997 and 2009.
Attendance is free. A free will offering will be held to cover the costs associated
with the event and further activities of the Reformed Bible College. You may also
contribute to the funds of the Reformed Bible College by using the Donate option
on the website ( - doing so you will receive a tax receipt.
Location: Aldergrove Canadian Reformed Church Date: Wednesday October 31
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm-ish. Doors open by 7:45pm. Following the event there
will be opportunity for fellowship with refreshments. There will be a book table.
Future Reformed Bible College events
Thursday, November 22: Rev. Peter Holtvluwer on Psalms (Aldergrove)
Thursday, November 29: sr. Alisha Boeringa on Genevan Melodies (Willoughby

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